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1. Objectives of the Challenges


The primary objective of the evën Global Market is to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and practical skills for traders at all experience levels. Through our challenges, we offer a platform where participants can learn and practice trading strategies in a practical and applied manner. The controlled environment allows traders to develop a deeper understanding of financial markets, learning to interpret charts, analyze trends, and make informed decisions. Our mission is to transform beginners into proficient traders and help experienced traders refine their skills.


Trading in financial markets can be an emotional and psychological challenge. Fear, greed, impatience, and other emotional factors often negatively impact traders' performance. The evën Global Market challenges are designed to help traders recognize and overcome these barriers. By simulating real market conditions, participants are exposed to situations that test their emotional resilience, allowing them to develop the discipline necessary to remain calm and objective, regardless of market circumstances.


Continuous practice is essential for developing any skill, and trading is no different. Our challenges provide a practice environment where traders can experiment with different strategies and techniques without the risk of real financial losses. This includes risk management, order execution, position management, and strategy adjustments as market conditions change. Traders have the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and successes, continuously improving their trading approaches.


At evën Global Market, we are committed to continuous innovation. We constantly strive to improve our platform to offer the best possible virtual trading experience. This includes developing new tools and features that assist traders in their learning and growth. Additionally, we remain attentive to market trends and the needs of our users, adapting our challenges and resources to ensure that our traders have access to the most advanced and effective trading practices.


2. Challenges Offered


2.1. Challenge "Sapphire"


The "Sapphire" Challenge is designed to offer traders an initial opportunity to develop and test their skills in a controlled and structured trading environment. This challenge is ideal for those starting their journey in the world of trading or for intermediate traders looking to refine their strategies with a disciplined and methodical approach.


i. Stage: Initial Test


a) Objectives and Rules:


Traders must achieve a profit of 10% of the initial account balance over an unlimited period. This goal is designed to encourage a balanced and strategic approach to trading.


To promote risk management, traders cannot lose more than 5% of the initial balance in a single day. This rule helps avoid significant losses and encourages prudent decision-making.


The total loss throughout the challenge cannot exceed 10% of the initial balance. This restriction ensures that traders maintain a disciplined approach throughout the challenge period.


Participants must achieve at least 5 profitable days during each phase of the challenge. This requirement ensures that traders remain consistently engaged and active in the market.


A profitable day is a day when closed positions yield a positive profit of at least 0.5% of the initial balance. Positive profit is calculated based on the balance at midnight - the previous day's balance.


Traders have an unlimited number of days to complete the initial test. This gives them enough time to apply their strategies and achieve the set goals.


ii. Stage: Final Test


a) Objectives and Rules:


After successfully completing the initial test, traders must achieve a profit target of 5% in the final test. This more modest goal continues to promote consistency and discipline.


The daily loss limit of 5% remains, reinforcing the importance of continuous risk management.


The maximum total loss also remains at 10%, ensuring that traders maintain a disciplined approach.


Traders must achieve at least 5 profitable days during the final test, promoting constant activity and engagement.


Time Limit: Unlimited


The final test also has an unlimited time frame for completion, providing an adequate period for traders to apply their strategies and reach the target.


iii. Prizes


Traders who successfully complete both stages will receive a success bonus equivalent to 300% of the amount paid to participate in the challenge. This bonus serves as a significant incentive and reward for the demonstrated performance and discipline.


2.2. Challenge "Ruby"


The "Ruby" Challenge is aimed at traders who already have some experience and wish to advance to an intermediate level of complexity and responsibility in trading. This challenge offers stricter rules and greater earning opportunities, preparing traders to face more demanding and sophisticated market scenarios.


i. Stage: Initial Test


a) Objectives and Rules:


Traders must achieve a profit of 10% of the initial account balance over an unlimited period in the initial test. This goal encourages a strategic approach and the effective application of trading techniques.


To promote risk management, traders cannot lose more than 5% of the initial balance in a single day. This helps avoid significant losses and encourages prudent and well-planned decisions.


The total loss throughout the challenge cannot exceed 10% of the initial balance. This restriction ensures that traders maintain a disciplined and controlled approach throughout the challenge period.


Participants must achieve at least 5 profitable days during each phase of the challenge. This requirement ensures that traders remain consistently engaged and active in the market.


Traders have an unlimited number of days to complete the initial test. This gives them enough time to apply their strategies and achieve the set goals.


ii. Stage: Final Test


a) Objectives and Rules:


After successfully completing the initial test, traders must achieve a profit target of 5% in the final test. This goal reinforces the need for consistency and discipline in trading.


The daily loss limit of 5% remains, promoting the continuous importance of risk management.


The maximum total loss also remains at 10%, ensuring that traders maintain a disciplined approach.


Traders must achieve at least 5 profitable days during the final test, promoting constant activity and engagement.


The final test also has an unlimited time frame for completion, providing an adequate period for traders to apply their strategies and reach the target.


iii. Prizes


Traders who successfully complete both stages will receive a success bonus equivalent to 350% of the amount paid to participate in the challenge. This bonus serves as a significant incentive and reward for the demonstrated performance and discipline.


2.3. Challenge "Diamond"


The "Diamond" Challenge is intended for advanced traders who already have significant experience and wish to test their skills at a higher level of complexity and responsibility. This challenge offers stricter rules and substantial earning opportunities, preparing traders to face the most demanding and dynamic market scenarios.


i. Stage: Initial Test


a) Objectives and Rules:


Traders must achieve a profit of 10% of the initial account balance over an unlimited period in the initial test. This goal encourages a strategic approach and the effective application of trading techniques.


To promote risk management, traders cannot lose more than 5% of the initial balance in a single day. This helps avoid significant losses and encourages prudent and well-planned decisions.


The total loss throughout the challenge cannot exceed 10% of the initial balance. This restriction ensures that traders maintain a disciplined and controlled approach throughout the challenge period.


Participants must achieve at least 5 profitable days during each phase of the challenge. This requirement ensures that traders remain consistently engaged and active in the market.


Traders have an unlimited number of days to complete the initial test. This gives them enough time to apply their strategies and achieve the set goals.


ii. Stage: Final Test


a) Objectives and Rules:


After successfully completing the initial test, traders must achieve a profit target of 5% in the final test. This goal reinforces the need for consistency and discipline in trading.


The daily loss limit of 5% remains, promoting the continuous importance of risk management.


The maximum total loss also remains at 10%, ensuring that traders maintain a disciplined approach.


Traders must achieve at least 5 profitable days during the final test, promoting constant activity and engagement.


The final test also has an unlimited time frame for completion, providing an adequate period for traders to apply their strategies and reach the target.


iii. Prizes


Traders who successfully complete both stages of the "Diamond" Challenge will receive a success bonus equivalent to 400% of the amount paid to participate in the challenge. This bonus serves as a significant incentive and reward for the demonstrated performance and discipline.


3. General Provisions


The general provisions are established to ensure the transparency, integrity, and security of the challenges offered by evën Global Market. They outline the fundamental principles and conditions governing participation in the challenges and the use of our platform.


3.1. Demo Accounts


The demo accounts used in the challenges are an essential tool for the education and development of traders. These accounts are designed to replicate real market conditions, allowing traders to practice and test their strategies without risking real capital. Here are some additional details about the demo accounts:


Demo accounts are configured to mirror real financial markets as closely as possible. This includes real-time asset prices, performance charts, technical and fundamental analysis tools, and other trading functionalities that traders would encounter when using a real account.


Traders can execute buy and sell orders, set stop losses, take profits, and use pending orders exactly as they would in a real account. This provides a practical and immersive experience.


Demo accounts allow traders to learn about the market and develop their skills without the risk of losing real money. It is an ideal platform for beginners taking their first steps in trading.


More experienced traders can use demo accounts to test new strategies and adjust their trading techniques. This can be done without the emotional pressure that accompanies trading with real money, allowing for an objective and accurate evaluation of strategies.


Using a demo account helps traders become familiar with the interface and functionalities of the evën Global Market trading platform. This includes navigating the system, using analysis tools, and executing orders.


One of the main limitations of demo accounts is the absence of real financial risks. This may lead traders to develop different trading behaviors and attitudes than they would with real money. The emotional and psychological pressure of losing or gaining money is not present, which can affect decision-making.


The results obtained in demo accounts are hypothetical and do not guarantee similar performance in real accounts. The real market is influenced by various unpredictable factors, such as economic news, global events, and changes in monetary policy, which can significantly affect trading results.


While demo accounts attempt to replicate real market conditions, there may be differences in order execution and platform latency. These factors can influence the accuracy of trading simulations.


i. Objectives of Demo Accounts at evën Global Market


Training and Education: Provide a safe and educational environment where traders can learn, practice, and improve their trading skills.


Preparation for Reality: Help traders prepare for real market conditions, developing the discipline and confidence necessary to trade with real capital.


Overcoming Psychological Barriers: Enable traders to face and overcome emotional and psychological barriers by practicing risk management and decision-making in a controlled environment.


3.2. Hypothetical Performance


The concept of hypothetical performance is fundamental to understanding the limits and possibilities of the challenges offered by the platform. Hypothetical performance refers to the projected results based on simulations and historical market conditions, without involving real financial transactions.


Hypothetical performance is an estimate of the results that a trading strategy could have achieved in the past if it had been applied in real market conditions. It is generated using historical data and simulation models to predict how a strategy would perform.


For traders, hypothetical performance is a valuable educational tool. It allows traders to see the possible outcomes of their strategies without risking real capital, helping them understand the strengths and weaknesses of their trading approaches.


Hypothetical performance allows traders to analyze their trading strategies in detail. They can adjust variables and parameters to see how different approaches would affect the results.


By observing hypothetical results, traders can identify patterns and trends that may be useful for future decision-making. This includes identifying favorable and unfavorable market conditions for certain strategies.


Hypothetical performance can help traders develop a better understanding of risk management. They can see how different levels of leverage and risk exposure would affect their results.


Limitations of Hypothetical Performance


Hypothetical performance benefits from hindsight, meaning it uses known data to project results. However, the real market is dynamic and unpredictable, and future conditions may differ significantly from past conditions.


Hypothetical performance does not take into account the emotional and psychological factors that affect traders during real trading. Fear and greed, for example, can influence decision-making in ways that are not captured in simulations.


Unexpected events, such as economic crises, political changes, and other external factors, cannot be accurately predicted by hypothetical performance models. These events can have a significant impact on financial markets.


Although simulations attempt to replicate real market conditions, there may be differences in order execution and platform latency that can affect the accuracy of hypothetical results.


Traders should use hypothetical performance as a learning tool but be aware of its limitations. It is crucial to critically evaluate the results and understand that they do not guarantee success in the real market.


For complete preparation, traders should combine the use of hypothetical performance with practice in demo accounts and, eventually, in real accounts. This helps develop a more holistic understanding of market conditions and the practical application of strategies.


Strategies that work well in hypothetical conditions may need adjustments to be effective in the real market. Traders should be prepared to adapt their approaches based on experience and continuous market feedback.


The use of hypothetical performance helps evën Global Market educate and empower traders by providing a solid foundation of knowledge and practice without financial risk, as well as offering traders a safe environment to develop and refine their trading strategies before applying them in real market conditions. Finally, it helps traders understand the nuances and challenges of the financial market, preparing them for a smoother transition to real trading.


3.3. Investment Advice


To ensure that all participants have a clear understanding of our services, we have established strict guidelines on what we offer and, more importantly, what we do not offer.


evën Global Market does not provide personalized investment advice, meaning we do not offer specific recommendations on which assets to buy or sell, when to make transactions, or how to manage an investment portfolio. Every trading decision is the trader's own responsibility.


Our focus is to provide education and general information on trading practices in financial markets. This includes educational resources, trading strategy guides, and analytical tools that help traders make informed decisions on their own.


Trading in financial markets involves significant risks, including the possibility of losing all invested capital. It is crucial that traders are aware of these risks and trade responsibly.


Each trader is responsible for their own trading decisions. evën Global Market is not responsible for financial losses that may occur as a result of participation in the challenges or the use of information provided on our platform.


We recommend that traders assess their risk tolerance and trade only with capital they can afford to lose. Proper risk management is essential for longevity and success in trading.


Educational Purpose


We offer a wide range of educational resources to help traders develop their skills and knowledge. This includes tutorials, webinars, articles, and market analysis aimed at improving the understanding of financial markets.


Demo accounts allow traders to practice trading without risking real capital, providing a platform to learn and test strategies in a controlled and safe environment.


All information and materials provided by evën Global Market are for educational and informational purposes only. They do not constitute investment advice, business consulting, or recommendations on specific investment opportunities.


evën Global Market is not a broker and does not accept financial deposits from users. All trading activities are conducted in demo accounts, without the transfer of real money.


Our company operates with full transparency and adherence to ethical principles. We ensure that all our practices and communications are aligned with applicable regulations and in the best interests of our users.


We strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, but we emphasize that market conditions can change quickly. Traders should always conduct their own analysis and due diligence before making trading decisions.


Our goal is to empower traders to become self-sufficient, developing their own strategies and making informed decisions based on their analysis.


We want traders to use our resources to continuously improve their trading skills and knowledge, building confidence to operate independently.


By making it clear that we do not provide investment advice, we protect our users from potential misunderstandings and ensure that they are fully aware of their responsibilities in simulated trading.


3.4. Educational Purposes


evën Global Market is dedicated to providing a platform that prioritizes trader education and development. Our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to trade with confidence and efficiency in financial markets.


Our primary objective is to empower traders to make informed and strategic decisions. We offer a range of educational resources that cover everything from basic concepts to advanced trading strategies.


We want traders to fully understand how financial markets work, including technical and fundamental analysis, market psychology, and supply and demand dynamics.


We provide detailed tutorials and step-by-step guides covering a variety of topics relevant to trading. These materials are designed to be accessible to traders of all experience levels.


We offer webinars and workshops led by market experts. These live events allow traders to learn directly from experienced professionals and ask questions in real-time.


We regularly publish articles and market analysis that provide insights into current trends, investment opportunities, and trading strategies. These resources help traders stay informed and up-to-date.


As previously mentioned, demo accounts are a crucial part of our educational focus. They allow traders to practice their skills and test new strategies without risking real money. This creates a safe environment for learning and experimentation.


Demo accounts replicate real market conditions, providing an authentic trading experience. Traders can learn to use trading tools, execute orders, and manage positions as they would in a real scenario.


We encourage traders to use feedback from their demo account experiences to adjust and improve their strategies. Continuous learning is key to long-term success in financial markets.


We teach the importance of risk management and how to implement it effectively. This includes setting stop losses, managing capital, and diversifying investments.


We emphasize the importance of discipline and patience in trading. Successful traders are those who carefully follow their strategies and avoid impulsive decisions based on emotions.


We help traders recognize and overcome emotional and psychological barriers that can negatively affect their trading decisions. This includes managing stress, resisting market pressure, and controlling emotions such as fear and greed.


We encourage traders to develop resilience and perseverance, essential skills for facing the challenges and uncertainties of financial markets.


Through our educational resources, we aim to support the personal and professional growth of traders. Our goal is to transform beginners into confident and well-informed traders, prepared to face the markets with skill and discernment.


We are committed to continuous innovation, improving our platform and resources to offer the best possible learning experience.


4. Final Provisions


The Trader acknowledges that the password for using evën Global Market's electronic systems is for exclusive, personal, and non-transferable use. The Trader must keep the password and electronic signature confidential, being responsible for sharing it with third parties and ensuring that no one accesses their terminal at any time. The Trader will be responsible for all operations carried out using their account.


evën Global Market emphasizes that even if the participant has access to the Internet by any means (broadband or dial-up), they cannot hold evën Global Market responsible for difficulties accessing the order submission system. The Trader expressly exempts evën Global Market from responsibility for any infrastructure problems (such as power outages) or failures arising from systems, stock exchange signals, or any other technical difficulties that the Trader may encounter.


In case of access problems to the simulator, for any reason, it will not be possible to submit orders via email, phone, or any other means other than the simulator itself. In this case, the Trader will be unable to execute trades and hereby exempts evën Global Market from any responsibility.


The Trader agrees that access to the order submission system via the simulator may be interrupted and that there may be times when access is unavailable, expressly exempting evën Global Market from any responsibility. Under no circumstances shall evën Global Market be held liable for damages and/or required to pay compensation or reimbursements of any kind, arising from the inability to access or interruption of access to the order submission system via the simulator, or its inadequate performance.


The Trader declares acceptance of these regulations at the time of purchase.


evën Global Market shall not be liable for any damages, whether direct, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, exemplary, or resulting from participation in the simulator assessment (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss in connection with the services or any product provided by evën Global Market).


The Trader expressly, irrevocably, and unconditionally authorizes the representatives and legal successors of evën Global Market, as well as all persons or corporations acting by its permission, to use and/or publish and/or secure through copyrights portraits or photographic/video images representing the Trader for any commercial, artistic, or advertising purposes. The Trader agrees that evën Global Market may disclose their name and image, use, and explore the sounds and images generated during and in the context of award events, which may, in whole or in part, be captured, recorded, and edited exclusively for institutional purposes to promote evën Global Market or other related purposes.

evën Global Market Challenge Regulations

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