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Enhance your trading skills on our simulated platform, take on the challenge, and earn a refund up to 4 times your investment! Utilize a reward account from evën Global Market with up to $100,000, allowing you to achieve up to 80% of simulated profits. Turn your practice into real profit today!




Tradeable assets
to train

Challengers arround
the world

Countries from where our clients are registered

you training, we pay

At evën Global, we refine traders through practical challenges, rewarding up to 80% of profits in virtual funded accounts, and offering a success bonus of up to 4x the investment to provide an initial boost for real-world trading at the broker of their choice.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Initial Trial

Welcome to the Inicial Trial phase!
Here, you'll select your desired account size and embrace our risk management guidelines tailored to your trading style. This is your moment to shine, showcasing your skills and expertise in risk management. Success here propels you to the next level!

Final Trial

Congratulations on advancing to the Final Trial stage!
Here, we evaluate your trading prowess. We simplify your trading objectives, cutting the profit target in half while maintaining strict loss limits. Upon mastering this phase, you'll unlock access to a fully funded trading account.

You've reached the Reward Account stage! Get your success bonus and Reward Account. Trade in a simulated environment with virtual funds, earning up to 80% of the profits. This phase provides real-world trading experience, helping you understand live trading dynamics.

Bonus and Reward Account

At evën, we facilitate your achievements with challenges that offer the opportunity to earn up to 4 times more by achieving virtual profits of 10% in Audition and 5% in Clarification. Less than 1% of traders multiply their initial capital by 4 in conventional markets in such a short time, highlighting our unique advantage for your growth. We aim to be your starting springboard in the real trading market, providing capital and helping you achieve financial success.

Be a hero's example.

Why choose evën!

Unique Challenges with Attractive Rewards

We offer trading challenges for traders without capital to train and earn rewards. By passing these challenges, they can receive up to 4 times the investment and 80% of the fictional profit, with no initial risks.

Safe and Controlled Environment

We create a space where traders can practice and test their skills without risking their own capital. This helps build confidence and improve trading techniques.

Focus on Trading Psychology

We recognize the psychological barriers that many traders face and offer specific challenges and training to help overcome them. Our goal is to empower traders to trade with confidence and discipline.

Engaged Community

We foster an engaged community of traders where clients can share experiences, strategies, and tips. Knowledge exchange and mutual support contribute to a collaborative growth environment.

Social Trading

We allow beginner traders to automatically follow the steps of experienced professionals. Learning from the best significantly increases the chances of success and accelerates the learning curve.

Smart Signals

Our platform uses advanced algorithms to analyze charts and provide intelligent signals on the potential behavior of assets. This helps traders make more informed and strategic decisions.

evën Challenges





Success Bonus

Reward Account Profit

5,000 USD

50,000 USD

100,000 USD







Click here to know more

Reward Account Profit





Reward Account Profit

We're a Dynamic Hub for thriving Traders

Our platform app is designed to simulate a trading environment similar to brokerage firms, offering realistic solutions and specific features like smart signals and social trading for our traders to practice and prepare effectively.

Our custom plataform app

Payment Methods for Investment and Bonus


Bank Transfer


Credit cards

evën trader diamond card

Soon, we will launch the exclusive evën Trader Diamond card. All Success Bonus and Reward Account profits will be automatically directed to your card. Regardless of your nationality or location, you will be able to use the card for purchases and withdrawals anywhere in the world.

Turning your
potential to power

Join our Discord

Trader Community

Discover exclusive trading tips, gain valuable insights, and connect with the best trading community on our Discord channel!

Empowering traders to reach new heights

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